Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 9

After backpacking in the Alps and walking around all day in the Botanical Gardens, everybody decided we needed to take a break, and since Marseille was only 30 minutes away from the beaches, we decided it was a good time to go swimming. So we headed to Cassis.  
The bus left 10:30 a.m., which gave me (Olivia) a good chance to catch up on my sleep since we had been pretty much sleep deprived since we had left North Carolina. I fell asleep on the bus all too quickly, only to be woken up by Megan, the only person with a straight face at the moment.
“What did you do to me?” I asked quickly, knowing that sleeping on the bus was probably not the brightest of ideas. Monica, not being able to hold in her laughter pointed at me and choked between hysterics, “Your face!” 
Turns out that SOMEONE thought it would funny to draw on my face with a sharpie marker while I was sleeping. It was definitely not funny. Though I have to admit, whoever it was good at drawing mustaches.
After checking into the hotel and washing my face off, we all through on our bathing suits and headed down to the beach. The water was so clear, even in waist high water you could see the bottom.
Christie hates the beach, so she decided it would be best if she just chilled on the beach chair, reading and not taking her cover-up off. Megan told me later that she asked her if she could go back to the hotel room every few minutes or so.
Megan was lying on a towel sunbathing for most of the time at the beach. Once or twice she got in the water to cool off.  She didn’t do a very good job tanning, cause instead of tan she was bright red.
Monica and I hit the water first, renting boogie boards immediately. I spent the day riding the waves and getting overturned by the big ones. Let’s just say that I probably had too much salt water that day. After a while Megan swam up to us with her own boogie board and joined us.
Amanda decided it would be fun to go around the beach and look for shells. She founds some pretty one and she put them in a bag so she could keep them.
After the beach we all fought over who was going to take a shower. You can guess who won…

For dinner we went to Miramar, a popular restaurant in Marsielle.  Miramar sold mostly seafood, but also many other popular French dishes.  Most French food seems to consist of pastries and meat.  The food was absolutely delicious!  I had the lobster bisque, and it was excellent.  For an appetizer, we all had escargot... snails!  They were very chewy and tender, and not as bad as I thought they would be.  


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