Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 2

Eiffel Tower

After having breakfast at the hotel, we decided our first stop was going to be the Eiffel Tower. Of course, as we traveled to the site, Christie had her eyes glued to her phone, texting. While Megan, Amanda, and Monica talked, I lagged behind them, half asleep, since I am not much of a morning person.

The Eiffel tower is a lot bigger than I imagined it was going to be, and as we walked toward it, my eyes widened.

“Are we actually going to climb to the top of that thing?!?” I exclaimed.
They looked at me, looked at each other, and burst out laughing. Christie took the time to tell me they actually had an elevator. I laughed it off, trying to hide my embarrassment.

After reaching the top, we all looked out over the edge, pointing things out to each other and having a good time. At one point, Monica leaned over the edge and Christie pretended to push her off. Amanda, Megan, and I rolled our eyes and shook our heads.

We stayed on top for a long time, enjoying the view. Then we headed down. For a couple more hours we hung out, walking through the streets of France, until our conversation lapsed over into the topic of food. Megan kept saying phrases like, “Cupcakes,” ”Cake,” and “Pie,” and we decided it was a good time to eat lunch.


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