Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 1

Charles de Gaulle Airport
                                                                                                                                                                   Finally, we’re in France! We left from RDU at 9 am. It was a pretty interesting experience, even before we left the ground. First of all, Christie was doing her hair, so that made us late to the airport. On second thought, I don’t think you can ever be on time to an airport. Anyway, we arrived, checked our bags, and got in the security line. We each took our shoes off, put our carry-ons in the little gray buckets, along with my laptop. Christie went through the security scanner first. “Uh, ma’am, you’re going to have to place your phone with your other belongings. You can’t text while going through security,” the security guard said. Christie hadn’t even noticed she had her phone. I went next, having to explain that I have ¼ in, steel rods supporting my spine when the alarm went off. Then Monica, with no trouble at all, along with Amanda. Olivia went next, with probably the most interesting story. She got through fine, but the guards had to search her bag because there were chemicals that are found in some plastic bombs. Turns out it was only her moisturizing lotion. Wow, airport security these days!

If that whole fiasco didn’t slow us down enough, Olivia’s fear of flying sure did. She refused to get on the plane right as we literally ran to the gate. We heard a man say last call for our flight, and eventually got her on the plane. Each of us touched the outside of the plane for good luck. I demanded a window seat because our view was spectacular.

The flight was pretty uneventful, which is, of course, the best kind of flight. We landed in Chicago and got some outstanding pizza during our 6-hour layover. One fifteen-hour flight to Paris, and we were there! The view of the city from the sky was amazing. I (once again) demanded a window seat. We grabbed our luggage, and got a cab to our hotel, which was about three and a half miles away. I don’t know what anyone else did, but I fell asleep right then and there.

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